Sunday, November 1, 2009

What? NY-23 Scozzafava says, "Vote for the Democrat"

Republican Dede Scozzafava, who yesterday abandoned her run for Congress in New York State's 23rd Congressional district, this afternoon threw her support to the Democrat/Working Families Party (ACORN) candidate, Bill Owens, and asked her supporters to join her in opposing Conservative Republican Doug Hoffman.

Scozzafava put it in writing:

. . . I am writing to let you know I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same.


Please join me in voting for Bill Owens on Tuesday.

Scozzafava, the Republican Party's million-dollar baby, had hoped to win the seat of another Republican, John McHugh, who was sidelined as a Conservative voice in the House when Obama recruited him to serve as Secretary of the Army. Because NY-23 had shown support for Obama, Democrats recognized a opportunity to get a Democrat into McHugh's empty seat, which has been held by Republicans continuously for more than 150 years.

Conservatives complained that Scozzafava was difficult to distinguish from a Liberal Democrat. She has been a strong backer of card-check, the union scheme to turn workplaces into union shops even when the majority of the workers in those workplaces oppose union involvement. Compulsory union dues, of course, provide union bosses with fat purses from which to make donations to political campaigns, explaining why the ACORN/SEIU team have so many devotees in Congress.

Conservative Republican Doug Hoffman threw a monkey wrench (or was it a sabot) into the works by running on the Conservative ticket, thus offering Conservative Republicans, Independents, and disaffected Democrats a non-RINO choice in the election. Within a matter of weeks, Hoffman had risen from 12th in a field of 12 running for the Republican Party's nomination to 2nd in the race only a few days before Tuesday's election. Hoffman's cause célèbre campaign offers Conservatives hope of saving the Republic through the electoral process by switching the tracks for the ObamaCare Express, due--with screeching wheels--at the station before year's end.

With her endorsement of Owens, Scozzafava openly joined the ranks of New York's Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, "who urged Dierdre K. Scozzafava to endorse Democratic congressional candidate William L. Owens, the senator's spokesman said Saturday." Schumer has been Obama's most vocal proponent of using the nuclear option to push ObamaCare through Congress with a mere 51 (Democrat) votes despite strong opposition by the majority of Americans polled.

By allying herself with the Democrat/Working Families Party crowd, Scozzafava earned the approval of "other Democratic leaders . . . , including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel."Among those "other Democrat leaders" are Congressman Steve Israel (Huntington, Long Island); state Democratic Committee Chairwoman June F. O'Neill, who met with Scozzafava's husband to discuss the endorsement; and, of course, Barack Obama, who earmarked campaign donations he attracted in New York City recently to Owen's campaign. The Democrat/Working Families Party candidate himself, Bill Owens, was "honored" to accept Scozzafava's endorsement as a "bipartisan solution."

Meanwhile, Conservatives around the country have hitched at least one wagon to rising star Doug Hoffman, an accountant in New York's North Country who doesn't offer a "bipartisan solution," but who can read a budget.

Hat tips: Another Black Conservative, Michelle Malkin,


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