Obama singled out the anti-tax tea party movement that fanned out across the country to hold demonstrations and rallies marking Tax Day. "I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," the president said. "You would think they'd be saying thank you."
According to the Tax Foundation in Washington, D.C., who have been studying taxation in the U.S. since 1937, Americans actually spend more on taxes than on food, clothing, and housing combined.
Ah, November 2, 2010. I count the days.
Update. It is worth noting that, according to The Heritage Foundation (via There's My Two Cents), over the last 40 years the median American income rose by 29%, but federal spending rose by 242%.
Update. Just came across this at Feed Your ADHD. Definitely worth repeating.
First HE had us labeled as domestic terrorists, then he didn’t know we existed, then HE called us teabaggers, then HE acknowledged his destiny to be a one-term president -- and now HE is "amused" by us.
HE is amused by us? We are the reason Arlen Sphincter turned tail and joined his natural-born party when the backlash over his support of Zero’s $787 billion turtle tunnel bill threatened his re-election as a Republican, and we are now the reason Sphincter won’t even come close to winning his seat backScott Brown now sits in a seat formerly occupied for nearly half a century by a fat cretinous murdering drunkard whoring Democrat thief, the reason dirty Creigh Deeds was done in dirt cheap (a saying admittedly stolen from Pat Dollard
), the reason New Jersey now has Gov. Chris Christie to rightfully gut it’s bloated government
and eventually return power to the taxpayer, the reason sitting RINO Florida Gov. Charlie Crist will have to run as a Democrat-lite (an independent)
to even have a chance at winning his battle to become a U.S. senator.
HE is amused by us? We’re the reason it took so long for HIM to get his precious signature – and likely final – achievement accomplished: Obamacare. We are the reason Obama needed to make the Louisiana Purchaseand the Cornhusker Kickback
and the fake executive order preventing federal abortion funding
just to squeak that monstrosity of freedom-grabbing piece of crap through by a Congresscriminal's nose.
HE is amused by us? We’re the reason (so far) that 17 clownish Zombiecrat Congresscriminalsand 5 Zombiecrat Senators
are retiring. We’re the reason the battle for the Senate on April 15, 2010, looked amazingly red
and the current map of the potential November makeup of the House of Representatives that, only 18 months ago was bluer that Babe the Blue Ox’s balls, now looks like Iran nuked the entire friggin’ nation
, not that The One would do anything about nuclear attacks, either.
HE is amused by us? We are the reason Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Dickhead, Nevada) will lose in November, even with a third-party candidate running for his seat, why only a few supporters showed up to hear him recently speak in his hometown of Searchlight, where conversely thousands were drawn to hear Sarah Palin speak and where leftists threatened Andrew Breitbart
Read the rest here.
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Thanks for the linkage, sir.