How about a genuinely intelligent, vastly knowledgeable, truly experienced in foreign-relations, America-first patriot as president? John R. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a senior fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute, is considering a run for the presidency, and he says he'll make up his mind by Labor Day. I hope he throws his hat into the ring.
A few Bolton quotes from the
National Review Online:
“It is important that we are prepared to defend [Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget], even if that is not ultimately the adopted plan."
“We should not be seduced by momentary swings in public opinion. It has been a rock of conservative policy that we protect the national interest, whether it’s popular or unpopular. If we deviate from that, just because it’s politically opportune to do so, we are really making a mistake.”
“What I am in favor of is destroying the Taliban and al-Qaeda’s capability to wage war. Doing that does not require creating a Jeffersonian, democratic regime in Kabul and eliminating corruption countrywide, because we are not going to do either of those two things. It means defeating the enemy.”
“I think that Ronald Reagan had it right, being against abortion except in certain limited, defined circumstances.”
Bolton, who entitled his 2007 book
Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations and Abroad (a bargain for
$10.80 @, has been a severe critic of what he termed
the "failed approach to national security issues characterizing [Obama's] administration from the outset." Not surprisingly, Bolton is no fan of "Mr. Obama’s aversion to U.S. leadership and his decision to retreat behind the facade of NATO and the U.N. Security Council." About Libya, Bolton wrote in
The Washington Times:
No one was fooled about America’s continuing central role militarily, but the charade has impeded finishing the job. Mr. Obama’s weakness and indecisiveness continue to risk having Libya descend into anarchy or split into two states and undercut our credibility and commitment elsewhere.
The son of a fireman who eventually earned a doctorate in law from Yale, Bolton has proved throughout his long career that he predictably can be called on to favor the creation of unambiguous, no-nonsense objectives.
The ability to get people moving to fulfill unambiguous, no-nonsense objectives is called leadership.
After decades of pouring American dignity and treasure down the tubes in pursuit of will-o'-the-wisp, la-la-land, hopey-changey impossible-to-achieve progressive objectives, the people of this country desperately need to be brought together by a principled leader to work toward a few unambiguous, no-nonsense objectives.
It's what we do best.