Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Snow Globe in My Pocket

Back at my desk today, transitioning from my Christmas interlude, a time of shutting out the world and taking up the pleasures of showering family and friends with tokens of love and care and receiving same.

A shower of love trapped in a holiday, like a snowstorm trapped in a snow globe.

How difficult it is to open the door to the world again.



  1. I'll never think of snow globes the same again!
    Christmas does such a good job of reminding us that the promise is real.

    May 2012 be a wonderful year for you and yours!

  2. A shower of love trapped in a holiday, like a snowstorm trapped in a snow globe..luv that one girl! Happiest of New year to you and yours..keep up the fight!!:) (hugs)

  3. Nice one. This time of year reminds us of what is important and temporal.
