Everyone in America knows that our Democrat President and Congress will do almost anything to inflict on Americans a gov't health care system that they themselves wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. (Maybe that's why they can't read the bills circulating the House and Senate--who can read fine print at a distance of 10 feet?)
If the President and his Democrat minions in Congress get their way, people who are not members of a Congressionally defined privileged class will be forced to slog it out in a broken and broke health care system that will get poorer and more mismanaged every minute.
Meanwhile, the President, Congress, the President's 32 czars, other federal employees, community organizers, and--I'm taking a wild guess here--Harvard professors and SEIU members will receive health care for the privileged, paid for by the non-privileged, of course.
What a deal!
It is an inherently unfair deal, of course, and, if there's anything that rubs Americans the wrong way, it is unreasonable, inconsiderate, and cowardly unfairness.
Americans as a people admire individuals who take responsibility personally and who are courageous and generous, and no day passes without extraordinary examples of American bias toward courageous exercise of responsibility, whether it be
bystanders rescuing a mom and her kids from a burning SUV or a group of airline
passengers storming the cockpit after terrorists murdered the pilot and other crew members.
Separate-but-unequal health care mandated by Congress under intense political pressure by the President also is a violation of responsible leadership.
By long-held tradition and even law, the Captain of a sinking ship is required to be the last person aboard to abandon ship, with first dibs on the life rafts going to the weakest, not the strongest: the children and the elderly and their (traditionally female) caregivers. Nor is the Captain of the Ship of State expected to stand on the ship's bridge and proclaim (with a practiced, self-indulgent smile) that, because he's the powerful, the elevated
Captain, he of course is expected to face the least danger, while the weakest of the society, that is, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill, will be given the poorest chance of survival.
Yet we've witnessed our nation's President boast about his 24/7 on-call private physician as part of his nationally televised explanation of why vibrant elderly women should get pills instead of major surgery.
Separate and more-than-equal, it now is abundantly apparent, is the station of those elected to the highest positions of responsibility in government. Not only are privileged corporations too big to fail, but so are privileged senators and representatives, czars, presidents and their advisors, and federal bean counters.
And, while provisions of H.R. 3200 will give the federal bean counters real-time unlimited free access into the financial accounts of most everybody, the Health Care Privileged, because they are exempt from Gov't Care, will be spared that indignity and inconvenience. (See pp. 57-58 of H.R. 3200.)
Interesting. Uncle Sam will be in your pockets 24/7, electronically, real time, unless you work for Uncle Sam.
Very interesting.
They watch our pockets, but
nobody watches their pockets.
Ichthyological curiosity of the day:
Pocket fish.
An iPod application that makes it possible to play with animated fish.