Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Day in ObamaNation

In 1941, Progressive Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined four fundamental freedoms he thought should be enjoyed by humans "everywhere in the world":
  1. Freedom of speech and expression
  2. Freedom of religion
  3. Freedom from want
  4. Freedom from fear
It's been a long, strange, and distorting trip for Liberal America since then. Every day brings us a grotesque new edition of Bad, wrapped in Sad, inside Treachery. Yesterday's version:
  1. Freedom from speech and expression, Godfather style
  2. Freedom from religion, high school style
  3. Freedom to suffer want, Democrat style
  4. Freedom to fear, Islam style
And then:
  • In another of the seemingly endless series of "Religion of Peace" news items, there's the arrest of jihadist Tarek Mehanna, 27, a Beltway Sniper copycat, who also is a teacher at an Islamic middle school in an affluent Boston suburb, and whose father teaches at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Charges? Aiming to kill unsuspecting "unbeliever" mall shoppers plus two members of the Executive Department, likely from a previous administration.
  • America was treated to a display of the razor-sharp focus on the Constitution of the United States by a Democrat Party led by a Harvard-trained Constitutional scholar whose Regulatory Czar also is a Harvard-trained Constitutional scholar.

A bright spot:
Related Post: Vote No for ACORN

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