No word yet from Uncle Omar's younger sister and fellow resident of Massachusetts, Auntie Zeituni Onyango, or from his brothers, Yusuf Obama and Said Obama.
When Omar Obama, aged 67, who now calls himself Onyango Obama, was booked last Wednesday near the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, on charges of DUI and driving to endanger, he "was asked if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail." In typical Obamalike bravado, the Kenyan illegal alien who is wanted by ICE, replied: "I think I will call the White House."
Uncle Omar came to the attention of police when he cut off a police car and a civilian vehicle with his Mitsubishi SUV, nearly hitting the police vehicle, and then kept going, right through a stop sign, to make a left turn without bothering to use a turn signal. The drivers of the two other vehicles involved avoided being hit by slamming on their brakes.
That's not exactly what happened according to Uncle Omar, who failed his Breathalyzer test, registering a .14 in a state where the legal limit is .08. He protested that, if the other vehicles had really slammed on their brakes, their tires would have squealed.
According to Obama relatives back in Kenya, and as reported in Barack Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father, Uncle Omar moved to the Boston area in the 1960s. Like Auntie Zeituni, who lived in a Boston homeless shelter for a couple of years, Uncle Omar's life in the U.S. has not been a bowl of cherries. As reported by The Sunday Times, records reveal that a man believed to be Uncle Omar "was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city [Boston]. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court."
Nevertheless, neither Omar nor Zeituni are in any hurry to head back to Kenya.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement have been holding a warrant for Uncle Omar's arrest, and he has previously been ordered to be deported back to Kenya.
The judge ordered Uncle Omar held on the ICE warrant.

Linked at And So It Goes In Shreveport, where the Big Zero's true concern about Americans' joblessness is captured. Thank you, Pat!