Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facing the Obama Legacy

Armageddon is an old, old word that's gaining currency these days. Financial and social analysts are using it more and more to describe what they see as an impending period of catastrophic economic upheaval and accompanying social conflict. According to my dictionary, this kind of conflict is "typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race." Armageddon takes its meaning from the Old Testament, where it is named as the site of the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment.

When fear and concern rise to the level where Armageddon starts seeming like the correct word to describe our approaching reality, it is past time to stop hurtling ourselves willy-nilly into the unknown behind leaders who are quite willing to point toward the abyss and start shouting, "Jump!"

All conservative bloggers know this. But not all voters do. They should.

To this end, Blogger Maggie notes that icesaint2011 has updated The Obama Legacy video with "new and devastating details" and royalty-free music. "Let's make it go viral," challenges Maggie. "If you post the video," she offers, "let me know, and I’ll link to you [at Maggie's Notebook]."  Ditto here. Every vote counts.
