Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Anthony "The Package" Weiner Drives an Uninspected, Unregistered Vehicle . . .

with plates switched out from another car. Those plates didn't expire in the last month or so -- they expired with the ringing in of the year 2006.

The discovery was made when the NY Daily News photographed Anthony Weiner "fleeing the Capitol in his Nissan Pathfinder," exposing the vehicle's expired registration sticker, expired plates, and lack of inspection sticker.

Anthony Weiner, who hopes to continue passing laws for the rest of us to follow and taxes for the rest of us to pay, maintained that Pathfinder was registered in New York State, however:
Driving a car with expired plates, let alone those pulled off another vehicle, meant Weiner's Pathfinder was unregistered, according to the DMV.

"Switching around license plates is what criminals do," noted a retired Brooklyn accident investigator. . . .
Details, details.

H/t: theblogprof


  1. Well you sort of answered your own question huh ... It's what criminals do.

  2. All he is lacking is a tax scandal. He is done.

  3. does he get any more pathetic! happy Wednesday~!:)

  4. @Odie - I think it's criminal that Congress voted to pay him for not showing up to work.

    @Trestin - Public rejection by a porn star at a press conference can't be helping his reputation!

    @Woman - I bet he does. But I feel no pity. Happy day to you too!
