“Never in my life have I been a victim of discrimination or hate like I have been recently,” said Daisy Khan,speaking directly to Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, after she introduced herself as the executive director of the group that is seeking to build an Islamic community center on Park Place in Lower Manhattan.
Cry me a river.
Clearly, Daisy, a Shariah law advocate, has never been a Christian in Malaysia, where her husband, the Ground Zero mosque imam, is currently
Obviously, Daisy has never been a Jew in Yemen, where only two synagogues are believed to still be functioning, and where Jews are required to live in "restricted areas" and are not permitted to eat meals with Muslims, marry Muslims, run for political office, serve in the Army, hold employment outside of farming or producing handicrafts, communicate with Jewish institutions outside Yemen, or, if they don't enjoy second-class citizenship, even to leave Yemen for greener pastures. Oh yes, and Jews in Yemen are subject to violent attacks.
And, without doubt, Daisy has not spent time as one of the few remaining Hindus in Pakistan, where the latest Muslim fad is kidnapping Hindu girls and forcing them to "convert" to Islam, and where, in 1971, East Pakistani troops slaughtered about 2.5 million Hindus.
Instead, Daisy is a put-upon Muslim in Bloombergistan, which houses a mere 100 mosques, and where two detectives from the NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force paid her a personal visit to teach her "how to handle these hate crimes" and also "how we [Muslims] should take care of ourselves."
Yes, enough NYPD officers survived 9/11 to protect Daisy from the inconvenience of facing some of the hard feelings of many thousands of grieving friends and relatives of those murdered on 9/11 and millions of other Americans whom she is working so diligently to insult and dominate with the mosque she envisions on ground made sacred by the blood of those murdered that day.
Under El-Bloomberg's leadership, police officials have announced that they will "step up patrols around the city’s mosques during Ramadan to deter any hate crimes and harassment [of Muslims] during the holy month of fasting and reflection. Officers will also visit future sites where mosques have been proposed, officials said." Increased security will include foot patrols at mosques; patrol cars assigned to mosques, nearby areas, and future mosque sites; undercover units to deter burglars; and mosque visits by the Hate Crimes Task Force.
That's a lot of prevention, especially considering that, in the U.S., anti-Jewish and anti-Christian hate crimes far outnumber anti-Muslim hate crimes.
El-Bloomberg's rush to protect Muslims during Ramadan also is interesting because law enforcement officers around the world have become accustomed to expecting increased Islamic terrorism during Ramadan, which, according to a report by the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute, is "a month in which Allah grants military victories to his believers," and therefore "is also regarded as an auspicious time to escalate violence in the name of jihad."
And some, I believe, would term that "Muslim advancement."
Related Posts:
- Dennis Miller on the Ground Zero Mosque: "It's Time We Start Saying It Like It Is"
- Did the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Go to Malaysia for a Fashion Show?
- El Marco's "Prayer Time at the Ground Zero Mosque"
- Ground Zero Mosque Imam Sponsors Gaza Blockade Run...
- Tolerance is Easy When It's at Other People's Expense
- Scary Stuff: What Ground Zero Imam Says on Arabic Websites
- NYC Community Board Okays Ground Zero Mosque Plans...
- About that Imam from the Ground Zero Mosque . . .
- Petition to Stop the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque: Sign...
cry me a river is right!..sickoes who support terrorism in our very midst! HAVE A BLESSED WEEKEND my friend!:)))